Look3: Richard Misrach on Documentary vs. Art, the Complications of Portraiture, and Digital Photography

Look3: Richard Misrach on Documentary vs. Art, the Complications of Portraiture, and Digital Photography | PDNPulse

Forty years after making his mark in photography with a self-published book of social documentary portraits of homeless people called “Telegraph 3 a.m.,” photographer Richard Misrach is working his way back to portraits–ever so tentatively–as part of his

via PDNPulse: http://pdnpulse.com/2013/06/look3-richard-misrach-on-documentary-vs-art-the-complications-of-portraiture-and-the-wonders-of-digital-photography.html

“I think this is the most exciting time in the history of photography,” he said. “Technology is expanding what photographers can do, like the microscope and the telescope expanded what scientists could do.”